
最快最好用的文件搜索工具-Everything 搜索工具everything最新下载地址

发布时间:2017/04/19 16:08:31来源:





最快最好用的文件搜索工具——Everything 搜索工具everything最新下载地址

神器 Everything 最具优势的就是其超快的搜索速度,使用起来也极其简单,键入搜索词,所有匹配的文件或文件夹都会实时显示,再配合快捷键打开 Everything 搜索窗口,搜索文件就变成一件极其轻松、高效的事情了。


Everything Portable

2017/04/13 更新版本为 Everything Beta 测试版,解压后直接运行 Everything.exe 即可 (需要管理员权限),第一次会有一个索引数据初始化过程,但它通过读取 NTFS USN 日志建立索引,所以索引速度也极快。

Everything 从 Beta 开始添加了 64 位版,这样在 64 位系统下就更加高效稳定了,要使用 64 位版,将 Everything_x64.exe 重命名为 Everything.exe 即可。

打开程序后,需要到菜单 Tools->Options->General->Language 中选择「简体中文」,切换为中文界面。由于工作原理的限制,Everything 目前只支持 NTFS 和 ReFS 3.x 文件系统,如果需要快速搜索 FAT32 文件系统,则可以尝试 Quick Search 或淘奇桌面,而全文搜索的话,FileLocator 是目前最好的免索引全文搜索工具。

Everything Beta 更新日志

Fixed an issue with excludes being ignored when rebuilding the indexes

Fixed a crash when renaming a folder that had subfolders that should be excluded

Fixed an issue with sorting by date created ascending and date accessed ascending

Fixed an issue with gathering file info from fragmented attribute lists

Fixed an issue with uncessary extended file information gathering with ipc requests

Fixed a crash when accessing file information cache

Fixed an issue with etp url links and special characters

Fixed an issue with vertical scrolling thumbnails by page

Fixed a focus issue with uac prompts

Fixed an issue when opening a file as admin

Fixed an issue with the preview not updating when changing the focus

Fixed a lock in the everything service

Fixed an issue with a race condition and initializing com

Fixed a hang when deleting a registry key

Fixed a hang when the service allocated too much memory

Fixed a crash when stopping service monitors

Fixed an issue causing everything to hang onto a volume handle when trying to safely remove a device.

Fixed a crash when reading directory changes.

Fixed an issue that would miss ntfs volumes.

Fixed an issue with very large sorts.

Fixed an issue that would cause the folder monitors to stop.

Fixed an issue with automatically removing offline custom volumes.

Fixed a hang when indexing a remote folder.

Fixed an issue with !Parent:, !Child: and !C:path

Improved folder deletion performance

Improved indexing when using file and folder excludes

Added -create-file-list exclude options

Added unicode properties to regex

Added folder sizes to http server

Added count, frn, id3, flac tags and image dimensions search functions.

Added support for refs 3.X

Everything search engine Locate files and folders by name instantly: Small installation file, Clean and simple user interface, Quick file indexing, Quick searching, Minimal resource usage, Share files with others easily, Real-time updating。