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TextNut Mac版  v2.32

类别:办公软件系统:MAC OS


TextNut Mac版是一款Mac平台的 Markdown 文本编辑器,而且是富文本形式的 Markdown编辑器,软件功能强大,操作简单,TextNut Mac版不需要记住Markdown语法就能轻松上手,有编辑区的实时预览模式,唯一见到过的,不是左边编辑右边看预览那种感觉很累赘占地的。软件是免费使用的,在苹果商店可以下载正版软件。

TextNut Mac版


TextNut Mac版的主要特点



TextNut Mac版






* 100%兼容commonmark规范在Markdown编辑模式






Markdown is good because it is plain text, you can open and edit it anywhere and anytime. It can be converted to various format documents easily. Markdown is bad because you have to remember the markdown syntax. With TextNut, you don’t have this worry. You write just like with a common rich format editor. TextNut will convert them into markdown on-the-fly. If you are familiar with Markdown, it is add-on, with a powerful markdown editing mode, you must have a joyful writing experience!

Don't forget TextNut has iOS version, for iPhone and iPad!

# The intuitive dual editing mode, switching seamlessly.

- Whatever you never used markdown or you are markdown lover, switching between them on-the-fly, without losing your text formatting

# Standard without ambiguities

- As you may know, the original markdown has a weak and ambiguous description. Fortunately, CommonMark specification solved this. TextNut is 100% compatible with CommonMark.

## Main Features ##

* Organise your documents by library in tree structure. Drag and drop to manage the documents

* Manage markdown documents from your local folders, or import them into TextNut managed library.

* iCloud sync with iOS version, both iPhone and iPad

* Global searching

* Export or preview in PDF, HTML, RTF together with images

* Browse all versions

* Fully customisable themes with optional background images

* 100% compatible with CommonMark specification at markdown editing mode

* The intuitive rich content editor using markdown syntax

* A concentrated Zen mode

* Language syntax highlighting - best feature for developers!

* Publish or save draft to Medium, Wordpress and Blogger in one click

## More Features ##

- Automatically saves your documents as you work

- Powerful and smart copy & paste. Copy content to rich, plain text or HTML. Paste with rich or markdown format.

- Filters with searching keyword

- Supports advanced markdown for images, footnotes or tags.

- Drag and Drop image to popover. Easily resize images

- Clickable help panel to apply formatting easily

- Smart list and quote auto-indent for both rich and markdown editing

- Zoom in and out text

- Heading outline popover to help you find text easily

- Tags managed documents

- Contextual tips appears as you type

- Formatting popover when selecting text

- Word and character live counts

- TypeWriter scrolling mode

- Focus line or Focus Cover editing mode

- Configurable font and line height

A well designed software to save your time and make you fully enjoy the writing experience.

Visit our website at http://www.textnutwriter.com. Get in touch, I’d love to hear from you.


  • markdown编辑器 mac
