mac益智游戏:益智游戏(Educational games)是以游戏的形式锻炼脑、眼、手的游戏,使人在游戏中提升逻...
资源争夺战3Mac版是Mac平台上的一款塔防类游戏。虽然看名字似乎平平无奇,资源争夺战3Mac版游戏的难度还是有的,关键的时候需要动动脑瓜子才行,这个游戏的整个重点在于攻防布局,如果只想休闲放松,没那么点小聪明,资源争夺战3ControlCraft 3绝对不适合。游戏的画风简洁,色彩鲜明。是一款一旦上手就会觉得一直想玩下去的休闲益智游戏。在苹果商店有下载,当前售价12元。
这是一款难度颇高,内容丰富的策略小游戏!玩家必须屯兵占领新的聚集地,电击塔,飞行纵队训练营等各种各样的建筑物来获取最后的侵略!关卡丰富,后期的几关的难度略有变态!由 Cybernate 一手操刀制作的《资源争夺战》系列策略游戏如今又推出了新续作《资源争夺战3》(ControlCraft 3)。
从一代开始,这个系列就保持着一年一部的发布速度,并且已经从原来一代的 13 道关卡发展到第三代 24 道关卡之多,除了游戏流程时间有了大幅度提高外,UI 和画面都有一些改变,内置的道具要素也逐渐多了起来,让人爱不释手。
ControlCraft 3 is a fast paced action-strategy game. Command your troops to attack enemy control points. Utilize a wide range of troops and tactical abilities. During the heat of the battle, tactical decisions of when, where and how to attack will win or lose you the war.
Each level plays fast and the outcome is determined in minutes. But with 48 diverse levels there is enough game to keep any armchair general happy for quite some time.
Use five different super weapons wisely to help turn the tide of battle at crucial times. Then take your war strategy to the next level by deciding how to upgrade your troops and super weapons.
mac益智游戏:益智游戏(Educational games)是以游戏的形式锻炼脑、眼、手的游戏,使人在游戏中提升逻...