mac益智游戏:益智游戏(Educational games)是以游戏的形式锻炼脑、眼、手的游戏,使人在游戏中提升逻...
屏幕上的贪食蛇Screen Snake Mac版是一款Mac上的休闲小游戏,也是一款有趣的休闲益智游戏,贪吃蛇是我们都玩过的一款经典小游戏,特别怀旧的朋友也许想再玩一次?Screen Snake是一款经典的贪食蛇游戏,游戏形式也跟我在手机上玩过的贪食蛇几乎一样,只有点阵组成的直线,十分的简洁和朴素,不过有意思的是Screen Snake并不在某个窗口中移动,而是在你的屏幕桌面上爬行。需要感受一下的朋友,可以到苹果商店下载,当前售价12元。
Screen Snake此版本包括多人游戏,高分,水平,和各种小的补充,使游戏的变得舒适和更有乐趣。当你在等待你的电脑来完成某些,或者如果你工作累了想玩一个小游戏来放松一下,打开Screen Snake 在桌面上来一句贪食蛇吧!你还可以改变Screen Snake的各种颜色,是不是非常有意思呢?
Screen Snake is a re-make of the classic snake game. But instead of moving the snake in a window, the snake moves across your screen itself, or even from screen to screen.
This version includes multiplayer games, highscores, levels, and various little additions that should make the gameplay comfortable and fun. Perfect when you have to wait for your computer to finish something, or if you want to play a game behind the back of your teacher or parent.
mac益智游戏:益智游戏(Educational games)是以游戏的形式锻炼脑、眼、手的游戏,使人在游戏中提升逻...