

返回>mac游戏>海盗跳跃2 Mac版v1.0.0官方版

海盗跳跃2 Mac版 v1.0.0官方版

类别:mac游戏系统:MAC OS


海盗跳跃2 Mac版是Mac平台上的一款跑酷游戏。海盗跳跃2 Mac版是一款类似《神庙逃亡》的跑酷动作游戏。游这是一款免费的小游戏,玩法非常休闲,游戏主要的玩法还是奔跑,通过跳跃,下滑等动作来躲开障碍物和怪物。游戏界面制作精美,玩法也略有创新。感兴趣的朋友,欢迎到苹果商店免费的下载试玩。

海盗跳跃2 Mac版


海盗跳跃2 Mac版游戏主要的玩法还是奔跑,通过跳跃,下滑等动作来躲开障碍物和怪物,在奔跑的途中不断收集钻石,跑的越远,收集的钻石越多,你的得分也会越高。


海盗跳跃2 Mac版


Yo ho ho, it's a pirate's life for me! Ahoy, Matey - you have stumbled across an island full of treasure ready to pillage and loot. The only problem is the treasure is protected by a skeleton pirate crew! Now you must collect the treasure while running, jumping, turning and ducking. Take what you can, give nothing back.

"Pirate Jump 2" is our fun take on the new 3d running genre. We had a lot of fun making it and hope you enjoy it as much as we do. See you in Davie Jones' Locker!

We hope you enjoy the "Heave Ho!" mode in the Free version which you can play to your hearts content. Our paid version adds in two extra running modes. "Ahoy Matey!" is very relaxed and is great for those of us who want to play for a little longer or are new to runner games or just find most of them way too fast. It is a great way for all members of the family to enjoy this genre. Our high speed "Blimey!" mode and can really get your adrenaline rushing until you feed the fish.


  • Mac跑酷游戏
