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WinZip for Mac  v4.0 破解版

类别:系统软件系统:MAC OS


WinZip for Mac是一款老牌的压缩软件,软件功能强大,操作简单。它是一款比较早期的解压缩软件,在微软年代被WinRAR赶超,转战苹果平台后,加入了一些特色,算有亮点把。最新的4.0版本,WinZip支持Zip, Zipx, RAR, LHA, 7Z, JAR等格式的压缩文件,支持直接压缩解压缩iCloud、Dropbox或Google Drive上的文件,AES加密、云端等功能,非常的强大!欢迎来9553免费的下载使用。

WinZip for Mac


Experience the power of WinZip®–on your Mac! WinZip Mac 4 makes it easy to zip and protect your files, and new sharing options let you seamlessly connect to cloud services.

Zip and unzip files instantly with WinZip’s trusted compression

Protect files with strong AES encryption

Share directly to Dropbox and Google Drive

Share directly to iCloud Drive, Dropbox, Google Drive and ZipShare, from within WinZip

Successfully email large files and minimize storage needs

WinZip for Mac

Main Features:


Zip and unzip files instantly using simple, drag-and-drop tools

Reduce file size for faster sharing and smaller storage

Open major compressed file formats (Zip, Zipx, RAR, LHA, 7Z, JAR, WAR)


Password-protect confidential files and apply powerful AES encryption

Prevent unauthorized access of email attachments

Encrypt individual files within a zipped folder

WinZip for Mac

Package and Share

Zip and encrypt Mac files to create smaller, safer email attachments

Organize and compress files into small, logical groups that are ideal for sharing

Zip files and folders for faster uploading/downloading times

Easily share to Facebook, Twitter and other apps

Connect to your Clouds

Connect to iCloud Drive, Dropbox, Google Drive and ZipShare right from WinZip

Easily zip and upload large files, or open zip files saved in the cloud

Use Cloud Links to upload a file to your cloud service and quickly send a link to it via email

Maximize cloud storage space by compressing files


  • mac解压缩软件
